Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wear It Like You Mean It

Let's say that an intelligent, talented and very busy woman got dressed early for a hectic day at work and then made breakfast for her three lovely children. She then took them to school and preschool. After that our diligent working mom went straight to work, doing business carefully on her way via cell phone. At noon, after a busy morning in the office, she headed out to pick up some very needed supplies for the building and looked at her feet as she descended the stairs only to discover that she is wearing her house slippers.

That's right folks, black dress pants, full make-up, new hair cut, fashionable blue sweater and house slippers with yellow and pink butterflies on them.

She paused appalled that half her day had disappeared without her ever noticing the mix up. Her chuckling assistant says, "Those shoes must be really comfortable if you didn't even realize you had them on."
Smiling, the hard working fashion conscious mom replies, "Well, I guess now I just have to wear 'em like I mean it."
She couldn't go back, she couldn't go home and she couldn't bear to be a spectacle at the local wholesale store. So the only choice she had was to hold up her head and wear those butterflies like they were the perfect shoes for her outfit.

So goes my week. What have you been doing?


  1. Way to wear it, Donna. Head up, walk proud.

  2. Omigosh, that is a classic, and that photo is the perfect example of how ridiculous haute couture can be. Who knows, maybe the yellow & pink butterfly slippers will be all the rage on the catwalk next season.

  3. I once had an experience like that, but I was speaking in public...naked. Wait, that was a dream.

    Nevermind ;)

  4. I know the "busy mom" thing is just an excuse to wear comfortable shoes. ;)

    By the way, welcome to the site new comers! Hope you like what you see. :)
