Saturday, November 19, 2011


I'm feeling incredibly unmotivated to do anything productive today. I could blame my very long work week, the icy cold weather and ensuing first real snow of fall, or the fact that hubby is down with a quite violent stomach virus. The result is, I don't think I am going anywhere today, and the only things on my to-do list are some Christmas shopping (online, of course), a serious game of Seinfeld Monopoly with my oldest, and a snuggly movie evening with the whole fam, with sick daddy at a safe distance.

That being said, I'm going to continue my slacker trend with my post today and invite you to visit the blog of a literary agent, Rachelle Gardner. I have found her blog to be very interesting and informative, and I hope you will too. Please enjoy while I switch over to Barnes and Noble to order some presents!

1 comment:

  1. One of those days, huh? I hope your hubby is feeling better by now and that you guys aren't sick on Thanksgiving. :)
