Thursday, June 4, 2009

Reading Rainbow

So a strange thing happened to me about 2 years ago. It was a cold and stormy night and I had just returned from a writer's conference...okay so it was really a sunny afternoon, but still...I picked up a book to read while I decompressed from the workshops and discussions. And suddenly I discovered that I had become a very picky reader. I started to notice things like adverb usage, dialogue tag lines and awkward descriptions.
Recently on a long flight from NY to SLC, I sat next to Aprilynne Pike, NY Times bestselling author of WINGS and she informed me that my reading dilemma is perfectly normal and that once she was published her enjoyment of reading for the pure pleasure of a good story has returned. I am so excited for that to happen for me. Just one more fantastic result of someday being published.
Its kind of like watching rainbows, when your little its a wonder and then you take physics and it becomes a display of fractured light, and then it changes again when you see the rainbow break on a stormy day and it becomes a miracle again. I am hoping my reading rainbow will return to being a wonder.


  1. Picky Readers of the World unite!!!

  2. I had this same discussion with a friend the other day! I'm trying to ignore the difficulties in reading (much harder than I thought) because I can't be without a book for long. Have you read "The Demon's Lexicon" by Sarah Rees Brennan? It's a great read. =]

  3. Editing has that effect on the mind :-S I'm totally loving Maze Runner, and even with that one I'm noticing certain words that he uses more than once in the same sentence or paragraph. We all gotta get our neurosis somewhere :-P

  4. True.

    I'm glad you're liking Maze, Graham.

  5. Hmmmm, I like your reading rainbow. I need to renew the "Discovery" stage of life--that's why I love being around little kids. Everything is "exciting and new" (I just got the theme to Love Boat stuck in my head)

  6. Maybe if you talked to Levar Burton, he could help you get your reading rainbow back quicker. While you're talking with him, do you think you could get me a pair of those visors that he's always using?

  7. Kirk, you can make your own Jordi visor. Just buy a ladies banana comb and spray paint it gold.
