Friday, June 19, 2009

Skull and Crossbones

So I'm not sure where my son got it, but he has plastered his own rendition of a skull and crossbones on his door, barring those "less-desirables" from entering his domain. The only problem is that his sister also lives in his room (or pirate changes from day to day). So far she has been considered part of the "present company excepted" clause of the piratical edict, so she hasn't been made to walk the plank.

Sometimes I don't understand why pirates are so interesting to kids. They're basically beggars and thieves who couldn't eke out a living on land, so they decided to hit the ocean and give it a shot there. They end up eating moldy bread, drinking stale water, abstaining from the amusements and society of landlubbers (which is a term pirates themselves made up for people who live on land because of jealousy and because they couldn't come up with something better like "poohead"). So now you get virtuoso actor Johnny Depp and the kid who likes to shoot arrows and wear long (pretty) wigs and the Bend It Like Beckam costar who make pirates popular, and pretty soon you have every kid putting up skulls and crossbones on their bedroom doors.

I'm looking forward to when ninjas become trendy again.


  1. Arrg! The Pirates who don't do anything, aka Veggie Tales Pirates, probably are equally to blame for the new door decoration.

  2. I can completely see why kids are infatuated with pirates. I mean, they turn their nose up at the law and they don't have to bathe.

  3. Me too. Where are those turtles when you need them?

  4. I heard about your new blog from Donna. What a great set-up! Aargh, matey, 'tis a pirate's life for me, but only because movies and books makes them out to be much more exciting. :)

  5. Hi Rachelle. Hope things are going well for you. You'll have to let us know when you have a pub date set. Arrrr.

  6. Not all "pirates" couldnt make a living. Most "pirates" were known as sea dogs that were HIRED by countries to steal from their rival's ships. Later on, when they were no longer needed they continued their ways because its all they knew.
    The pirate life is very appealing, no major rules or loyalties except to each other. One big happy disfunctional family. Pirates got to see more of the world. So either you stay home or you sail to see the world. I vote set the sails and head for open waters!
